Berri Regional Secondary College
Completed as part of the Department for Education’s Capital Works Program, the redevelopment of Glossop High School to become Berri Regional Secondary College saw Greenway work closely with the School’s Leadership and Redevelopment teams, State Government Agencies and their selected Contractor to realise this complex project.
Charged with emotion, the challenge of leaving a 100-year-old campus and moving the year 8-10 cohort into new accommodation on the existing Senior campus, along with the amalgamation of year 7’s from around the Riverland, provided many robust challenges to the project. However, the Greenway team met and bested these challenges, from spatial, curriculum delivery, “Schools with School” precinct management, and budget.
The new school now provides additional learning and teaching environments to suit a growing cohort of students and staff, catering for 800 students and 80 full-time staff across 2000m2 of new education buildings as well as 600m2 expansion. With these additions, the school has 22 new learning areas, a number of Technical Workshops and Home Economics spaces, an extension to Performing Arts with new drama and music facilities and updated administration accommodation.